Friday, 5 November 2010

The ugly face of the Red Dragon

Liu Xiaobo was named the Nobel Peace Prize laureate in October. He is to receive his prize in Oslo (Norway) in Decemeber. However, the Chinese regime will not let him come to Oslo to accept it since he is a political prisoner. Furthermore, the Red Dragon has today showed us its ugly face, as Cui Tian-kai, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, has warned other countries that plan to be represented at the ceremony. Cui threatens the rest of the world by stating that countries having representation at the ceremony will have to face the consequences. 

"This Nobel Peace Prize is highly politicized. The choice before some European countries and others is clear and simple: do they want to be part of the political game to challenge China's judicial system or do they want to develop a true friendly relationship with the Chinese government and people in a responsible manner?" says Cui.

This kind of bullying is of course unacceptable and I do hope all democratic countries will do what is right, and face these consequences, or call the bluff. It is important to show the Chinese government that these undemocratic actions are not tolerated in a democratic society.

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